Wednesday, February 21, 2007

It's only fun if you follow the rules

In honor of Pres day.. albeit late

What did George Washington grow on his farm? (no googling! Come on, play fair!)


Catfish said...

Was it Marijuana? I think it was hemp or refer or something like that... oh, and corn, as GW had one of the earliest pot kettle production stills for sour mash whisky in the colonies... Supposedly it was pretty good sour mash...
What do I win?

Anonymous Dog Owner said...

I believe it was cotton....

Anonymous Dog Owner said...

Or peanuts?

WestCoastGold said...

It was weed! They say they used to grow weed back in the day for hemp and for 'soil stabilizatin'. Whatever. He got high.

Anonymous Dog Owner said...

Coconuts? Xmas trees? Avacados?

WestCoastGold said...
