Tuesday, February 27, 2007


So.. I get up late this morning.... tired from moving. (Takes a few days to recouperate) I take a quick shower, leave the hair alone and get going out the door. My car key promptly breaks in the driver's door lock. I have no spare key. I call a friend and he shuttles me to work. I go get coffee and spill 1/2 of it in my purse. I drop my bagel on the sidewalk. I get to the door to my floor and have no key card. $115.00 for a new key, $125.00 for the purse (yeah. I splurged.. so sue me), bad hair, no make up, no key card. I still think it could be a good day.


Anonymous Dog Owner said...

Since everything balances out I bet you can't wait for the make-up day!

WestCoastGold said...

OOh.. Make up day! I never thought of that.. That's totally true though! I can't WAIT!!