Tuesday, March 13, 2007


my keyboard space bar isn'tworking allthe timeand it'sdriving menuts.


Anonymous Dog Owner said...

That's funny....my 's' doesn't work all the time...

WestCoastGold said...

that wouldhave been funnier had your 's's not showed up. LOL

ChinoMoreno said...

Sometimes my keys stick because I like to eat over my keyboard. Somedays I can turn my keyboard upside down, shake it and come up with an entire meal. Saves $$$.

WestCoastGold said...

Ioncefound apair ofjeansilostinmy keyboard,alongwith the sparekeys to the car. See,stillhavingspacebar issues.

WestCoastGold said...

Ioncefound apair ofjeansilostinmy keyboard,alongwith the sparekeys to the car. See,stillhavingspacebar issues.

WestCoastGold said...

and apparently i needed to postthattwice.