Tuesday, April 3, 2007


You ever have one of those days where not one thing seems to go 'right'. I had a doctor's appoointment this morning, and received a call from my son's school.. right in the middle of it. My son was swinging from a rope during PE class and somehow hit his head on a metal pole (I'm still trying to figure out why there was a rope by a metal pole, but I don't have enough brain matter left right now to try and work it through). My son then proceeds to tell me that a bully in his PE class was behind him slapping him on the back and flicking his ears (that almost made me giggle, but not really). Then I find out that my ex claimed our son on his taxes this year and it was my turn. Please make it stop. I think I'll go call the school principal and vent all my anger and frustration out on him in the guise of discussing the bully and the poorly placed rope swing in the PE class.


ChinoMoreno said...

Yeah, what is the deal with the rope by the metal pole? Must have been designed by a man. Hope your day goes better!

Anonymous Dog Owner said...

If it makes you feel any better - 10 years from none of it will make a difference. Except the flicking of your son's ears..I'd focus on that....it might stay around for him a while..

WestCoastGold said...

LOL.. right.. 30 days from now none of it will matter either. I needed the perspective. I guess he was PULLING on his ears AND flicking them. Needless to say, the bully is being handled by the PE teacher, the Vice Principal and the Principal.. yes.. I called them all.

Catfish said...

Yes... THAT will help him... nothing keeps the bullies away like someones mommy...
Whatever happened to balling up the rage into a fire burning in your belly until one day it finally just explodes out in a fury of tears and wild girly swinging of arms?