Wednesday, June 13, 2007

My Girls Are Complete Opposites

So, I needed a little time to get a few things done so I set the Little Chows down at the craft table to have a little creative time. Pens, paints, stickers, glue...that kind of stuff. I do my chores and then check up on them to see how they are doing.

Me: Hey Little Chow, what'cha making?

Little Chow: I've been drawing this picture of my family. Here's Dad, you, me and little sis.

Me: Wow. Very Nice. I can tell you've been working hard on that. Good work.

Me to Littler Chow who is busy rubbing two popsiscle sticks together: What'cha doing?

Littler Chow: I'm making fire.

Hmmmm.....she must get that from her dad.

1 comment:

WestCoastGold said...

ha! love it. Littler Chow was probably going to try and set her older sister on fire.