Thursday, February 15, 2007

We call her the Abortion Lady

First, let me say this. I am not trying to get into a political debate with anybody here about abortion, pro-life, when does life begin, pro-choice, feminism or anything else like that. Now, onto my post.

I live by a hospital, which is surrounded by a variation of clinics and doctor's offices. Everything from Podiatrists to Psychiatrists. Dermatologists to Dentists. You name it, you can probably find it within a 1 mile radius of my home. Every day I drive by a little low slung brown one-story building, set off the road by a large parking lot. There is no indication of what this office building is for by the outside, no signs. Every day that I drive by, I see the same elderly woman holding her signs. She stands at the entrance of the parking lot, rain or shine or snow or wind and holds her signs. Each day she has a a different set of signs. She mixes and matches other days. Some of the things her signs say: "God Loves You" "Ask God, He will Forgive you". Other signs say "Abortion is Murder" and "Life starts at Conception". Yet other signs depict very graphic images of supposed aborted babies. They look like infants that have been torn apart and burned. These signs are huge as well, probably 3 feet by 4 feet. What most impresses me about this woman isn't necessarily her views, but her tenacity. The signs are professionally made, not hand written or painted. She is there EVERY SINGLE DAY, it's like a full time job for her. She is there every morning at the same time, probably arrives about 7 am and stays until about 10 am. She covers that spot, without fail. I often wonder how she picks her signs for any given day. I wonder if she picks the graphic ones that induce some horror and perhaps even guilt when she's feeling particularly judgemental? Does she chose her 'God' signs when she's feeling full of sympathy and understanding? Occasionally she brings other people with her. I can only assume it's family members. Sometimes, there are children. She also sometimes varies where she stands and where she places her signs. Sometimes it's further up on the street, at the intersection, where she gets more traffic. She stands there holding her signs, propping others up. I sometimes purposely don't look at her, pretend like I don't see her. I sort of do this in my own little protest. Other times I check her out, see that she's bundled up warmly, has a hat on and gloves. Looks like your typical grandma. This has been going on for years. I wonder if she's ever stopped a woman from proceeding with her abortion at this little clinic with her signs. I wonder if she's ever changed anybody's mind. I wonder what compels her to continue to do this.


Catfish said...

I have seen this woman. When I saw her signs I was completely something something... I believe I wondered what would happen if I stood out there with a big poster of a bunch of people having an orgy that said "share the love" or something... I would be stopped pretty friggin fast... I mostly felt bad for her since she I am sure she feels completely sincere with what she is doing and thinks it is her duty to try and stop people from making a "mistake"...
Personally I believe she sucks...

Anonymous Dog Owner said...

I have a customer in Eastgate that I go see and there is a guy with wild hair and dressed poorly who wears an A-Board about sandwiches. He is there everyday, rain or shine, holding a radio up to his head and yells and jerks around and dances on the sidewalk. Everyday. I guess some groups find something or someone to get peoples attention...good or get the point across.