Thursday, March 22, 2007

This time it's for keeps

That's it; I'm done. Tuesday, March 27th, I will wake up a free woman. I will eat some breakfast, have some coffee, and...not smoke. Ever again. They say it takes a person 8 times to quit for good. I think I'm on my 88th time, so it's a done deal. I know it's going to be excruciatingly difficult (at least when my mind gets in the way), but mark my words: I ain't gonna ever smoke again, over nothin'. Period. I registered at QuitNet, I bought the patches, and all that's left now is the 4 more days of being a retard before I'm done. Jeez, what a long strange trip it's been.


Anonymous Dog Owner said...

Good for you! How refreshing for you to get that out of the way. With all the determination you show with so many things you'll do awesome! Let me know if you need anything...I'll be sending warm, positive, supportive thoughts your way everyday!

WestCoastGold said...


ChinoMoreno said...

Good for you. Good luck! I'm sure you will be successful. :)