Thursday, April 26, 2007

Uncomfortable Silences

You know, I got to thinkin the other day when I was reading all the posts here. I am the odd man out. I only know Catfish cuz I used to work with him, and I think I recall meeting his lovely wife once. The rest of you know each other well, are more than just virtual friends. You all know what each other looks like, what you smell like, (hopefully not bad), what your likes are.. what your dislikes are... you all have probably shared a meal or two. I know that somebody here even babysit's somebody else's dogs, which I think rocks. So I decided that I would share some information with you all, so that I could feel like I belonged.. Like I was SOMEBODY. Or .. perhaps this will just serve to further alienate myself because you all will be like, who is this freak? Who is this 'outsider'? Why is she trying to get in on our conversation? Kind of like that person at a party that nobody really knows, that just interjects themselves into your conversations.. followed by awkward silences.. (yes, that's me). So, without further ado (no.. not Anonymous Dog Owner..)here is some worthless tidbits of information about me.

1. I have a dog named Winston. He's a miniature schnauzer.
2. I will be 40 this year and LOVE it.
3. I am in the process of ending my marriage (trust me, it's all good.. no need for more awkward silences)
4. I have a 12 year old son
5. I love Chocolate
6. I have flat abs (but no boobs so it all works out... get something good.. there's always something not soo good to balance it out)
7. I hate pantyhose and will never ever wear them ever again
8. I have a purse fetish
9. I think Rosie O'Donnell is annoying
10. I want to get a cat
11. I have a date tonight
12. I drive a very old car that still runs (can you say no car payment?)
13. I love my job
14. I know sign language fluently (my parents are deaf)
15. Red is my favorite color (right now)
16. I read everything I can (reading is like a drug to me)
17. I like Vodka
18. I have two tattoos
19. I like being alone
20. I drink decaf

So there you have it. This is by no means a comprehensive list, but I know you were all dying to know about me.


ChinoMoreno said...

Nice post! It is good to get to know you. If it makes you feel any better, I don't know ADO or Chuck Fishback. Congrats on the flat abs (jealous) and have fun on your date tonight!

Catfish said...

Hey, I knew most of that... but then I am the one person (besides Chuck) that you know here (since Redbear went away)...
I was thinking that #5 kinda goes with #11 and if you throw in #17 you won't be #19 for long... if you know what I mean...
And I do recall that the fella's were checking out your gals as referenced as not existing in #6...
And what happened to the Rabbit?

Paula said...

Well, we should fix that. I've been wanting to go to a roller derby. We should all go together. Who wants to research this?

WestCoastGold said...

Catfish.. you were spot on with your 'linking' of numbers on the list, very funny. The rabbit now resides with a fella that works in SEO.. the rabbit has rats as sisters, it worked out well.
None Given... I would love to go to a roller derby! I would say I'd research it, but who am I kidding.. maybe I will this weekend?