Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Let me tell you, in regards to the post below, my old lady looked REAL GOOD in that there tight ass shirt... I was all like BAM!!! Yeah...
I am all for my old lady getting some super sexy underwear... Hell, I will go and buy it for her... Who's with me??? Let's go shopping...
I may start a business, shopping for sexy underwear for gals... Catfish's Sexy Underwear Shopping Service... You will have to just trust my judgement, don't question it... Just appreciate my efforts...
I suppose that I could open this up to boys too... but what fun would that be? Hell, just look in the International Male catalog and buy yourself a sling... Hey, that sounds like a good idea, I think I will do that right now... I always wanted one (hint hint, someones b-day is coming up...


ChinoMoreno said...

Mine is! Next week. I can't believe you remembered.

Anonymous Dog Owner said...

I think this is the song that a girl was playing very loud in her parked car in the parking lot with the door open and a 4 year old boy in the back seat....she had the unedited version though...lots of 'F' words, 'B' words and 'C' words. I politely asked her to turn it down and reminded her that she had a child in the car with her. She didn't like that. When they got out of the car the boy ran down the sidewalk away from her and yelling at her...Hmmm, wonder where he got that from??

Paula said...

Hey KC--does that mean you want Catfish to buy himself a sling for your birthday?

I guess that would be ok.

But remember it's for display only.

ChinoMoreno said...

Um....that is not exactly what I was going for. I jokingly meant for myself, but thanks for the offer. :)

Catfish said...

You want me to buy you a sling for your birthday? Can I still get one for mine?
I had a photo shoot scheduled with a reputable photographer to document the glory of myself in a sling... if you like you can join in and we can both get pictures in our slings, together... have a little fun with it, you know... maybe get them blown up and hang them over our beds, respectively...

ChinoMoreno said...

I try to make a harmless little joke and now have some rather disturbing images rollin' around in my head. The internet can be a scary, scary place.

Paula said...

KC is now officially disturbed:
Mission accomplished.
(Pats self on back)