Wednesday, May 9, 2007

He's 12

Lately I've noticed a change. It has sort of crept up on us. It's been slow to materialize, but once it did... It was unmistakeable. My son LIKES GIRLS. You might think I'd be freaked out about it, after all... he's my baby. However, I'm having fun with it. The other day we played a game of 'Hot or Not'. We were naming off celebrities and he was telling me which ones he thought were hot.. etc. You get the idea. I named off Paris Hilton (there's a method to my madness) and he said.. and I quote... "She's a'ight, but she aint got no ass". I stopped dead in my tracks and he looked at me and realized he forgot he was talking to his mother and not his buddy. He said.. sorta quietly.. "I just said ass, didn't I". What was funny, was I didn't really care that he said ASS. What struck me was the fact that my 12 year old boy is lookin at them! Well, at least he has good taste.. he thinks Paris is 'a'ight'but thinks Alica Keys is 'HAWT'.

1 comment:

ChinoMoreno said...

Dang. So that is what 12 looks like, huh? I am in no hurry for that. At least he doesn't like Paris Hilton! That is a definite plus! You must be doing a good job.