Tuesday, May 1, 2007

It's My Birthday, Yo

So, I've seen a few of you do this and find it interesting, so I will make a list of my own. It will probably be very short and it will take me a long time to hit the Publish button as I will toil and fret over it for a while.

1. I have two lovely daughters
2. I love wine. A lot.
3. I am a serious animal lover. But I still eat them.
4. I have an irrational fear of spiders. I do not eat them, though.
5. Rock 'n roll rules my world
6. I eat pizza almost every day
7. I would leave Mr. Chow for Daron Malakian.
8. I was joking on that last one. Or was I???
9. I buy way too many jeans.
10. I actually wrote this really fast and am not fretting at all. However, I am out of things to say about myself.

Oh yeah, and I get to go to Benihana tonight cuz it's my Special Day. Rock on.


WestCoastGold said...

happy birthday!!!!!!

Paula said...

11. KC has wonderfully shiny, healthy hair.