Monday, May 7, 2007

Rock and roll

Well, I got some news. I had a gig today, playin' to a house full of 4-and-5-year-olds. That's what I'm talkin' about.

We tore it up with "Camptown Races," "It Ain't Gonna Rain No More," and "Old MacDonald."

We had so much fun I gots myself a regular thang now. Every Monday Morning, I'll be layin' down the fat beats with the chilluns. Uh huh.

We're gonna throw down the Hokey Pokey next week, for rizzle...



Anonymous Dog Owner said...

I was feeling that there was osme big news out there somewhere....and here it is!! If only I was 4 and a friend of little vinking! I might have to take a day off for the Hokey Pokey!

WestCoastGold said...

Seriously.. that's gotta be the coolest gig in town.

ChinoMoreno said...

Sounds like a rockin' good time. Too bad we don't live closer!