Thursday, June 7, 2007

Back in the day...

You know.. when I was a kid.. this is the kind of stuff that we watched on TV, and we loved it. I don't know why, but I remember this. One day out of the blue, I started 'singing' this 'song' to my son. He was dying laughing, but of course had no frame of reference as he'd never seen this. Then one day, out of the blue (seems to be a theme.. this 'out of the blue stuff'), he sends me a link via email to this video. He found it on The title of it was Manamana and that's exactly what it sounds like. I was so tickled that he found it, and I got to share it with him. We had a 'moment' over the muppets. For those of you with kids, I know you'll understand. That being said, please don't judge me for this, I know it's extremely corny but dammit if I don't think it's great. Maybe it's the look on the 'cows' faces, or how the little dude is all intruding into their song. There's a lot going on here. (If you want the video to stop, just mouse over it and click and the little 'play..stop' thingy will pop up and you can stop the madness.. )
But I recommend watchin the whole thing.. The end is even funny.

Editors note. I removed the embedded video cuz it played non stop all on it's own when you launch this page. You can find it here:

1 comment:

Paula said...

The Muppet Show RULED.
I remember feeling very cool when I got the sheet music for the theme song.
..."It's time to play the music, it's time to light the's time to get things started on the Muppet Show tonight..."

Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.