Friday, June 22, 2007

Here goes....Old School Style!

I'm embarrassed but my first crush was on Davy Jones from the Monkeys. I was about 7 years old and The Monkeys was my favorite show on TV. I didn't realize I had the crush until I dreamed about Davy and I making out......tongue style! I don't even know how I knew about tongue stuff. I honestly thought that I was going to grow up and meet him and marry him someday! I really wish I had. Him or Donny Osmond or Michael Jackson.....


WestCoastGold said...

Michael Jackson!!! Wow.. aren't you glad that didn't happen..

ChinoMoreno said...

Peter Tork was my fave. Not like he was hot or anything, though. Just funny. And he had cool boots.

Paula said...

Uhh, the Monkees are nothing to be embarrassed about. Davy Jones was hella cute. My fave was Mike Nesmith. I believed him to be the deep feeler of the bunch. Plus he actually had songwriting abilities. Remember "Love Is Only Sleeping?" That was a dreamy song.