Tuesday, February 27, 2007


So.. I get up late this morning.... tired from moving. (Takes a few days to recouperate) I take a quick shower, leave the hair alone and get going out the door. My car key promptly breaks in the driver's door lock. I have no spare key. I call a friend and he shuttles me to work. I go get coffee and spill 1/2 of it in my purse. I drop my bagel on the sidewalk. I get to the door to my floor and have no key card. $115.00 for a new key, $125.00 for the purse (yeah. I splurged.. so sue me), bad hair, no make up, no key card. I still think it could be a good day.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Sundays - Summertime

Me lovey this song. Summer will come again some day, for real....
In case you need some sunshine in your day....enjoy....

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Satisfaction - Lower your expectations

2 days and counting. I move on Saturday. I'm all packed. Okay, that's a bald-faced LIE. I am sufficiently packed. Yes, I have decided to live in the world of 'good-enough'. I'm tired of thinking everything has to be perfect. I'm almost packed, it's good'nuff. So hey, I am buying new furniture, love it. I am painting my walls red. I know, seems a little risky, but whatthehell... it'll be good'nuff. I'm buying red and chocolate brown pillows for the couch. I will also need the following: coffee table, end table, tv stand, dining room table and chairs, bed, bedding, bathroom stuff, pictures (art). I know, you're asking yourself.. geez... did she have ANYTHING? Well, yes I did. I got rid of it cuz it was simply NOT good'nuff. See.. that can work both ways that good'nuff thing. I took None Given's advice. FOR REAL. Okay, that's another lie. I didn't get rid of EVERYTHING.. but I will be as soon as I can replace it with stuff that's good'nuff. Life is good.... yes.. good'nuff.

Girly Boys

When did men (undr 30) become girls? There are two 'girls' in our office that gossip, start rumors, revel in other peoples pain and hold themselves higher than the rest of the general population. What pansy asses.......they have girlfreinds that make more money than them, run thier lives and dole out the chores at home....cooking, cleaning, vacuuming, etc..... Where did the real men go? You know, REAL men...

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

It's only fun if you follow the rules

In honor of Pres day.. albeit late

What did George Washington grow on his farm? (no googling! Come on, play fair!)

The life of an Anonymous Dog Owner

.................Well, that' about it.

Monday, February 19, 2007

ok go

Happy President's Day

I sure am glad I have this day off so I can reflect upon, ummm, something. Yes.
I feel sorry for those who had to go to work today who don't get that chance. Hopefully they'll have time to observe it tonight when they get home from work. My traditional festivities include thinking about doing laundry, refereeing the girls, and when I'm feeling especially reverent I look at pennies and quarters and think about presidents. What's your favorite President's Day tradition?

Enquiring Minds Want to Know

Ok, looks like it is time for me to post something so I will give you a little glimpse into my very exciting life. I am sitting here in my little cubicle in the corner of the office all by myself, eating cinnamon tic tacs and listening to Disturbed. (Can you hear it, Catfish? I'll turn it up a little for you) I am sporting some new jeans and tennies that I scored this weekend. Got 'em on sale. I do love a good sale! A strange thing occured to me while I was shopping. It seems that I have aged. The clothes at this store were geared towards the youngsters. I am no longer a youngster and I do not know when I ceased to be one. It just kind of happened. You will be glad to know that this startling realization did not stop me from purchasing the items or from rocking them today. I will continue to wear them with pride while packing lunches, wiping runny noses and picking up bunny poop.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Wish I was reading The Enquirer

Come on people. I know I'm not the only one without much of a life, so I come here to post and read a lot. Wait, let's rephrase that. I am probably the ONLY one here without much of a life... so perhaps those of you with lives could go ahead and share bits and pieces of them here, with me.

Don't make me start posting about Anna Nicole Smith's played out story (God rest her soul), or the fact that Britney Spears shaved her head and got a new tattoo. Please make me stop. Please make them stop. You know, as many people as Britney is surrounded by, you'd think at least ONE person would be able to talk to her and tell her she's continuing to commit career suicide. Where's her mother in all this? I know I know.. she's an adult blah blah blah yadee yah.. but seriously.. somebody please stop her. It's truly a train wreck. I'm not trying to follow her story, really. Honest.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

We call her the Abortion Lady

First, let me say this. I am not trying to get into a political debate with anybody here about abortion, pro-life, when does life begin, pro-choice, feminism or anything else like that. Now, onto my post.

I live by a hospital, which is surrounded by a variation of clinics and doctor's offices. Everything from Podiatrists to Psychiatrists. Dermatologists to Dentists. You name it, you can probably find it within a 1 mile radius of my home. Every day I drive by a little low slung brown one-story building, set off the road by a large parking lot. There is no indication of what this office building is for by the outside, no signs. Every day that I drive by, I see the same elderly woman holding her signs. She stands at the entrance of the parking lot, rain or shine or snow or wind and holds her signs. Each day she has a a different set of signs. She mixes and matches other days. Some of the things her signs say: "God Loves You" "Ask God, He will Forgive you". Other signs say "Abortion is Murder" and "Life starts at Conception". Yet other signs depict very graphic images of supposed aborted babies. They look like infants that have been torn apart and burned. These signs are huge as well, probably 3 feet by 4 feet. What most impresses me about this woman isn't necessarily her views, but her tenacity. The signs are professionally made, not hand written or painted. She is there EVERY SINGLE DAY, it's like a full time job for her. She is there every morning at the same time, probably arrives about 7 am and stays until about 10 am. She covers that spot, without fail. I often wonder how she picks her signs for any given day. I wonder if she picks the graphic ones that induce some horror and perhaps even guilt when she's feeling particularly judgemental? Does she chose her 'God' signs when she's feeling full of sympathy and understanding? Occasionally she brings other people with her. I can only assume it's family members. Sometimes, there are children. She also sometimes varies where she stands and where she places her signs. Sometimes it's further up on the street, at the intersection, where she gets more traffic. She stands there holding her signs, propping others up. I sometimes purposely don't look at her, pretend like I don't see her. I sort of do this in my own little protest. Other times I check her out, see that she's bundled up warmly, has a hat on and gloves. Looks like your typical grandma. This has been going on for years. I wonder if she's ever stopped a woman from proceeding with her abortion at this little clinic with her signs. I wonder if she's ever changed anybody's mind. I wonder what compels her to continue to do this.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Happy Valentines Day Super Happy Shiny Friends!!!
Everyone I have talked to (so far) seems to be either having a fantastic day, or just ok with it...
Personally, I am very happy, but my lovely wife is super hot and she ROCKS, so there you go.

Ode to Anna

Anna Nicole Smith is dead
Howard Stern guilty
Her baby has three fathers

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Happy Girl

I started taking piano lessons again. I had my lesson today and I get to learn some new Beethoven and Bach. I feel a deep thrill in my soul, yo.

Oh, and an excellent quote from Jessica from the back seat of the car:

Jeff: Hey, look at me, I'm driving!
Jessica: Hey, look at me, I don't care!

Jessica rules.
Wher've all my friends gone
shiney super happy friends
are you all still there

Thursday, February 8, 2007

I ate raw chicken for lunch. I was in an Italian resaurant, very dark, kinda sexy, very bad garlic breath and half way through the Chicken Marsala ( I had eaten the thin part and had a couple bites of the thick part) I noticed the chicken was really chewy and rubbery........ The waitress did not charge me for the meal (nice) but if I get food poisening what do I get? Days off work, no energy, no going to the gym, no walking my cute little boys, throwing up (& stuff...) no eating, or drinking, laying down alot with ginger ale by my side..with a straw.

If I can lose about 15 pounds it would be worth it!

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

More Bad Poetry by Catfish

my soul is black
like a pair of dress socks
that I wear with a blue suit

my soul is white
like a pair of tubesocks
that I wear with my favorite tennis shoes

my soul is thick
like the warm winter socks
I wear when it is snowing out

my soul has holes
like my favorite socks
that I can't bear to part with

my soul is nylon
like my wifes panty hose
that I wear when I am alone

my soul is a well organized sock drawer
where I would keep my underwear
if I wore any

If there were no socks in the world
I would have no soul
and it would be like being at work
...all the time

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Bad Poetry by Catfish

Standing on
My own two feet
staring at the sea

The breeze wets my face
and I can smell far off lands



Who's making cookies?

Saturday, February 3, 2007

U Haul

Does anybody have any tips or tricks to offer up? I am moving at the end of this month, and I HATE MOVING. I have hired movers, but I still have to pack and unpack and clean. There's got to be a system, a method, something that makes this easier. I am not a organizational freak, I tend to throw everything in boxes, even if it ends up in the trash later. I don't want to move trash. I don't want to throw anything away, however, that I may want later. How do I know what to keep and what to throw away? How do I know where to start? I've moved too many times to count and this move is going to be a permanent one, for a long while. I aint gonna move until I can buy a house. I WILL buy a house someday. Although anything within an hour drive of Seattle in any direction costs more than ever before. You can't get a 1960's rambler for less than 300k these days. It's insane. Maybe I will forever be stuck in an apartment. I guess it's not so bad. All the amenities. What is UP with that? Wall to Wall carpet is not an amenity, nor is an old broken down stair master and a tanning bed that hasn't had new bulbs since 1984 when it was still cool to have a fake tan so brown you looked like George Hamilton or even George Forman.... Nor is the 'media room' which contains a fax machine and a copy machine. I think an amenity should be weekly maid service. Free car washes. Monthly movie passes. Individual hot tubs (I don't wanna get in a hot tub after the drunk neighbors). You get the idea. Anyway, suggestions for my move? They can be tongue in cheek, they can be for realz...

Thursday, February 1, 2007


I remember why it's not good to have a drink during the workday. At the time, it seemed like a fine idea (I had a productive morning and got yelled at by a lady I don't know) and by the time I got back to my desk my work has become sooooo hard. It's all I can do but sit here and not work, let alone actually work. I would like to lay down but am being thrown into action....slight headache and all........
See, it is a horse.
A horse pinata that hangs.
Not hung like a horse.